Thursday, February 07, 2008 |
PIndah Ke |
Blog ini sudah tidak digunakan lagi,
sekarang pindah ke
Terima kasih, Nino |
posted by qnoyyy @ 5:22 am  |
Friday, January 26, 2007 |
What Is Stress? |
Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness.
The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover a whole range of situations - everything from outright physical danger to making a class presentation or taking a semester's worth of your toughest subject.
The human body responds to stressors by activating the nervous system and specific hormones. The hypothalamus signals the adrenal glands to produce more of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol and release them into the bloodstream. These hormones speed up heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism. Blood vessels open wider to let more blood flow to large muscle groups, putting our muscles on alert. Pupils dilate to improve vision. The liver releases some of its stored glucose to increase the body's energy. And sweat is produced to cool the body. All of these physical changes prepare a person to react quickly and effectively to handle the pressure of the moment.
This natural reaction is known as the stress response. Working properly, the body's stress response enhances a person's ability to perform well under pressure. But the stress response can also cause problems when it overreacts or fails to turn off and reset itself properly. |
posted by qnoyyy @ 6:31 am  |
(jokes) : Rekaman Pembicaraan Pilot AdemAir |
"Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.
This is your captain speaking.
Welcoming both seated and standing passengers on board of AdemAir.
We apologize for the eight-days delay in taking off, it was due to bad
weather and some overtime I had to put in at the bakery.
This is flight 717 to Yogyakarta. Landing there is not guaranteed, but we
will end up somewhere in Central Java And, if luck is in our favor, we may
even be landing on your village!
AdemAir has an excellent safety-record. In fact, our safety standards are so
high, that even terrorists are afraid to fly with us!
It is with pleasure; I announce that, starting this year, over 30% of our
passengers have reached their destination.
If our engines are too noisy for you, on passenger request, we can arrange
to turn them off !
For our not-so-religious passengers, we are the only airline who can help
you find out if there really is a God!
We regret to inform you, that today's in-flight movie will not be shown as
we forgot to record it from the television. However, for our movie buffs, we
will be flying right next to Garuda Indonesia Airways, where their movie
will be visible from the right side of the cabin window.
There is no smoking allowed in this airplane. Any smoke you see in the cabin
is only the early warning system on the engines telling us to slow down!
In order to catch important landmarks, we try to fly as close as possible to
the ground for the best view. If however, we go a little too close, do let
us know.
Our enthusiastic co-pilot sometimes flies right through the landmark!
Kindly be seated, keep your seat in an upright position for take-off and
fasten your seat-belt. For those of you who can't find a seat-belt, kindly
fasten your own belt to the arm of your seat. And, for those of you who
can't find a seat, do not hesitate to get in touch with a stewardess who
will explain how to fasten yourself to your suitcase."
Enjoy AdemAir |
posted by qnoyyy @ 6:15 am  |
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 |
Ambon - Maluku |
Teh Gula Es... hehehe pertama kali mendarat di bandara patimura
(ambon langsung minum Teh Gula Es) kalo di Jakarta itu sama saja dengan Es Teh Manis... :)
Hari pertama dateng, pekenalan dengan para admin, dan teman-teman yang ada di BKPMD-Maluku.. di lanjutkan dengan istirahat sebentar di hotel AMANS (Ambon Manise)
trus dilangsung utak atik sistem buat presentasi besok.
Selesai malem, istirahat.. Ups sebelum itu mencicipi hidangan Hotel Nasi Capcay.. Bedeh Itu Mantab Oi...
Yups Bangun pagi sama Mas Bramsi langsung siap2 tuk training..
dijemput sama Pak Sam & Mas Arman... (para master Nih.. ) langsung menuju kantor gubernur Maluku. disana udah pada siap para admin dari tingkat kabupaten sampe provinsi.. (Pak. Nasir, Vicky, Sihan, Manus, Har, etc...)
alhamdulillah mereka pada antusias mengikuti pelatihan...
Wah... seru deh pokonya... ga terasa waktu udah hampir sore, Saking antusiasnya Para admin mengusulkan gimana kalo pelatihannya dilanjutkan di Jakarta... hehehe (gimana nih Pak, Jadi kejakartanya) kita tunggu loohhh.....
Pokonya Mantab Deh selama diambon, oia selain itu ke tempat makan namanya Amboina, bedehhhh makan ikan, kita yang piih sendiri.. Pake Colo-colo (khas Ambon).. srlupp.. sampe ngeces nih iler... (hehehe) :P
Trussss.. lanjut deh... Pelatihan sampe 3 hari, dan itu berlangsung dengan tertib dan aman... :)
Di hari ke-4 setelah pelatihan.. gw sama mas Bramsi di ajak berkeliling kota ambon... (gileee Man, Indonesia tuh emang kaya raya yah... ) tapi ko kita bisa jadi negara termiskin ke- ??? berapa yah di dunia...
Intinya gw bersukur sama Allah SWT telah kasih kesempatan untuk melihat semua ini, dan ucapan terima kasih kepada Pak Sam dan teman-teman di Maluku, atas kepercayaan yang diberikan...
semoga semua yang kita kerjakan, dapat digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya..... |
posted by qnoyyy @ 7:34 am  |
Thursday, November 23, 2006 |
Minimalis serangan di Component Joomla |
Percaya atau tidak.. cms joomla ternyata banyak segudang kelemahan.. upps... tapi bukan cms-nya tetapi commponent-nya.. :P salah satu contoh metode yg digunakan oleh component.. Dan terdapat di dalam script component tersebut... yaitu..
penjelasan tentang include_once
The include_once() statement includes and evaluates the specified file during the execution of the script. This is a behavior similar to the include() statement, with the only difference being that if the code from a file has already been included, it will not be included again. As the name suggests, it will be included just once. sumber :
So.. yang harus kamu lakuin untuk mengatasi ini adalah..
register_globals dan allow_fopenurl dibikin OFF
itu yg saya lakukan.. setelah situs terkena hack..
dan untuk joomla saya gunakan ver 1.0.11
dan sampe sekarang setelah saya hubungi orang yg menghack situs tersebut, alhamdulillah aman2 aja...
ini situs yg di hack : |
posted by qnoyyy @ 11:22 pm  |